There are certain places that a modern day lady can be DEMURE, destitute and desperate. ( Tuesdays word). Open A hastily put together RELISH platter.(Mondays Word). Open A conference of EMBLEMS to discuss their demise. (Fridays word) Open The PROFOUND movement of forces (Thursday word), Open FESTIVAL for the blue moon.(Wednesdays word). Open The SOLITARY life of a mobile worker.(Tuesdays word). Open I wish JUDGES would jazz up their sartorial attire. (Monday`s word) Open BESPOKE for pregnancy although the hand-made tailoring didn`t produce the hoped for results. ( Fridays word). Open I wish I could PLUCK up courage to fly! (Thursdays word). Open EARLY morning at the harbour. (Wednesdays word). Open Drawing from the rocks in Kokkina Bay. The red cliff look so PRECARIOUS and gloriously crumbly in the setting sun glow. (Tuesdays word). Open Worked a bit more this morning on the previous image; TISSUE of lies… it needed more tension. Open A TISSUE of lies! How can I ever find the truth? ( Monday`s word). Open A wonderful SHOEBOX on the way to Kini. It always makes me smile. (Fridays word). Open The sea looked very SYRUPY today. (Thursdays word). Open There seems to be an awful lot of DRAGONS popping up! (Tuesdays word). Open Load More Follow on Instagram